Izby a pobyty

Hotelové izby sú zariadené pre Váš najvyšší komfort. Veľký dôraz sa dával nakvalitný a útulný interiér. Na oknách nechýba sieťka proti hmyzu, bohaté textílie a ťažké závesy. Prírodné materiály a štýlový nábytok.


"VITA víkend"


175,90 €

kód: VITAL205

3 dni s polpenziou ◦ 2 noci



  • ubytovanie v komfortnej 2-lôžkovej izbe (2/2)
  • welcome drink, pohár sektu
  • 2x raňajky podávané formou bohatých švédskych stolov (07:00 – 11:00)
  • 2x večera podávaná formou švédskych stolov (18:30 – 21:00)
  • 2x misa s čerstvým sezónnym ovocím, room service
  • 2x čerstvá sezónna zelenina s dipom, room service
  • 2x zázvorový čaj v džbáne, room service
  • neobmedzený vstup do bazénového sveta (veľký relaxačný bazén s vírivkou  a protiprúdom, tri kľudové sedacie bazény, Kneippov bazén pre nohy, chrlič na chrbát)
  • neobmedzený vstup do NORDSEE SPA sauna & jacuzzi (veľká fínska sauna, infra sauna, parná sauna, ruská sauna, tepidárium s vyhrievanými ležadlami, 4 veľké vnútorné jacuzzi, rainforest) 
  • neobmedzený vstup do GARDEN SPA (2veľké jacuzzi, vonkajšia sauna, v letných mesiacoch vonkajší bazén)
  • neobmedzený vstup do fitness centra
  • parkovanie na hotelovom parkovisku
  • internetové pripojenie FREE WiFi

  • zážitkové saunovanie počas celého pobytu (saunový ceremoniál s vonnými esenciami sprevádzaný zvukovými a svetelnými efektmi)

    pondelok - piatok: 17:30 / 18:30 / 19:30 / 20:30
    sobota: 11:00 / 15:00 / 17:30 / 18:30 / 19:30 / 20:30 / 22:30
    nedeľa: 11:00 / 15:00 / 17:30 / 18:30 / 19:30 / 20:30
     (zmena časového harmonogramu vyhradená. Aktuálne informácie dostanete na recepcii hotela)
  • ovocný telový zábal, 35 minút (podľa výberu z aktuálnej ponuky)


  • telový peeling,ktorý môžete využiť počas saunového ceremoniálu


V cene pobytu nie je zahrnutá daň z ubytovania, ktorá sa platí priamo na mieste pri nástupe na pobyt.

daň z ubytovania................................2,00 €/osoba/noc 
poplatok za izbu - 1 osoba v 1/1......10,00 €/osoba/noc 
poplatok za izbu - 1 osoba v 1/2......20,00 €/osoba/noc 
poplatok za Family suit – 2 osoby....20,00 €/noc 
The pricelist is valid from 01.12.2022




259,90 €

code: ALLINCL205

4 days with ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE ◦ 3 nights


  • accommodation in a comfortable double bed room (2/2)
  • welcome drink, glass of sparkling wine
  • 3x breakfast served as rich buffet (07:00 – 11:00)
  • 2x lunch with a choice from special daily menu (11:30 – 14:00)
  • 3x dinner served as rich buffet (18:30 – 21:00)
  • unlimited access to pool world(large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest) 
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months)  
  • unlimited access to fitness centre
  • parking at the hotel car-park
  • internet connection FREE WiFi

  • classical massage body part, 20 minutes
  • phototherapy, 20 minutes (TDP lamp)
  • phototherapy, 20 minutes (bioptron lamp)
  • solarium, 16 minutes
  • bowling, 30 minutes / 1 alley
  • non-alcoholic drinks: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Römerquelle
  • wines: Chardonnay, Green Veltliner, Cabernet Sauvignon
  • alcoholic drinks: Nicolaus vodka, Gin Kensington, Slivovitz Jelínek, peach vodka Koskenkorva, Karpatské brandy, Johnny Walker

Unlimited consumption refers also to a range of drinks at the Beach Bar and a mini bar selection.

The price of the stay does not include accommodation tax, which is paid directly on the spot at the arrival at the height of € 2.00/person/night.

The pricelist is valid from 01.12.2022



302,40 €

code: LETO205

6 days with half board ◦ 5 nights


  • accommodation in a comfortable double bed room (2/2)
  • welcome drink, glass of sparkling wine
  • 5x breakfast served as rich buffet (07:00 – 11:00)
  • 5x dinner served as rich buffet (18:30 – 21:00)
  • unlimited access to pool world(large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest) 
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months)  
  • unlimited access to fitness centre
  • parking at the hotel car-park
  • internet connection FREE WiFi

  • phototherapy, 10 minutes (to pick TDP lamp or bioptron lamp)
  • nordic walking
  • discount voucher of 10,00 EUR on selected procedures
daň z ubytovania................................2,00 €/osoba/noc 
poplatok za izbu - 1 osoba v 1/1......10,00 €/osoba/noc 
poplatok za izbu - 1 osoba v 1/2......20,00 €/osoba/noc 
poplatok za Family suit – 2 osoby....20,00 €/noc 

The pricelist is valid from 01.12.2022

"LONG weekend"


203,40 €

code: LONG205

4 days with breakfast ◦ 3 nights


  •  accommodation in a comfortable double bed room (2/2)
  • welcome drink, glass of sparkling wine 
  • 3x breakfast served as rich buffet (07:00 – 11:00)
  • unlimited access to pool world (large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest)  
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months)   
  • unlimited access to fitness centre
  • parking at the hotel car-park
  • internet connection FREE WiFi

  • body wrap, 45 minutes (to pick BALI spice with orange or THAI Oliva Herbal)
  • solarium, 10 minutes
  • phototherapy, 10 minutes (to pick TDP lamp or bioptron lamp)
  • discount voucher of 10,00 EUR on selected procedure

The discount voucher can be used only during your stay for selected procedures specified by the hotel. The voucher is not transferable. The voucher does not serve as a means of payment for other services. If the voucher is not used, its value is forfeited and cannot be paid in cash.

The price of the stay does not include accommodation tax, which is paid directly on the spot at the arrival at the height of € 2.00/person/night.

The pricelist is valid from 01.12.2022



203,40 €

code: RELAXINCL205

3 days with ALL INCLUSIVE ◦ 2 nights


  • accommodation in a comfortable double bed room (2/2)
  • welcome drink, glass of sparkling wine 
  • 2x breakfast served as rich buffet (07:00 – 11:00)
  • 1x lunch with a choice from special daily menu (11:30 – 14:00)
  • 2x dinner served as rich buffet (18:30 – 21:00)
  • unlimited access to pool world (large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest)  
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months)  
  • unlimited access to fitness centre
  • parking at the hotel car-park
  • internet connection FREE WiFi
  • non-alcoholic drinks: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Römerquelle
  • wines: Chardonnay, Green Veltliner, Cabernet Sauvignon
  • alcoholic drinks: Nicolaus vodka, Gin Kensington, Slivovitz Jelínek, peach vodka Koskenkorva, Karpatské brandy, Johnny Walker

Mini bar, consumption of drinks in the wellness centre and other services are charged according to the current pricelist.

The price of the stay does not include accommodation tax, which is paid directly on the spot at the arrival at the height of € 2.00/person/night.

The pricelist is valid from 01.12.2022

"ROMANTIC weekend"


214,40 €

code: ROMANTIC205

3 days with half board ◦ 2 nights


  • accommodation in a comfortable double bed room(2/2)
  • welcome drink, glass of sparkling wine
  • 2x breakfast served as rich buffet (07:00 – 11:00)
  • 2x dinner served as rich buffet (18:30 – 21:00
  • unlimited access to pool world (large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest)  
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months) 
  • unlimited access to fitness centre
  • parking at the hotel car-park
  • internet connection FREE WiFi

  • Hubert de Luxe, bottle (per room)
  • body wrap, 45 minutes (to pick BALI spice with orange or THAI Oliva Herbal)
  • exotic romantic massage for two people, 40 minutes
  • solarium, 10 minutes
  • phototherapy, 10 minutes (to pick TDP lamp or bioptron lamp)


The price of the stay does not include accommodation tax, which is paid directly on the spot at the arrival at the height of € 2.00/person/night.

The pricelist is valid from 01.12.2022

"Senior wellness"


274,90 €

code: SENIOR205

6 days with half board ◦ 5 nights FOR FREE


  •  accommodation in a comfortable double bed room(2/2)
  • welcome drink, ginger tea
  • 5x breakfast served as rich buffet (07:00 – 11:00)
  • 5x dinner served as rich buffet (18:30 – 21:00)
  • unlimited access to pool world (large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest)  
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months)
  • unlimited access to fitness centre
  • parking at the hotel car-park
  • internet connection FREE WiFi

  • peat compresses for rehabilitation purposes
  • phototherapy, 10 minutes (to pick TDP lamp or bioptron lamp)
  • nordic walking
  • water aerobic

  • all-day admission to Thermalpark DS (thermal swimming poo)

Senior wellness stay can be used only upon arrival on Sunday. The stay could be used by clients older than 50 years.

The price of the stay does not include accommodation tax, which is paid directly on the spot at the arrival at the height of € 2.00/person/night.

The pricelist is valid from 01.12.2022

"Senior wellness all inclusive"


351,90 €


6 days with all inclusive ◦ 5 nights


  •  accommodation in a comfortable double bed room (2/2)
  • welcome drink, ginger tea 
  • 5x breakfast served as rich buffet (07:00 – 11:00)
  • 5x lunch served as plate service: soup, main course – according to daily menu
  • 5x dinner served as rich buffet (18:30 – 21:00)
  • unlimited access to pool world (large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest)     
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months)
  • unlimited access to fitness centre
  • parking at the hotel car-park
  • internet connection FREE WiFi

  • peat compresses for rehabilitation purposes
  • phototherapy, 10 minutes (to pick TDP lamp or bioptron lamp)
  • nordic walking
  • water aerobic

  • non-alcoholic drinks: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Römerquelle
  • wines: Chardonnay, Green Veltliner, Cabernet Sauvignon
  • alcoholic drinks: Nicolaus vodka, Gin Kensington, Slivovitz Jelínek, peach vodka Koskenkorva, Karpatské brandy, Johnny Walker

Mini bar, consumption of drinks in the wellness centre and other services are charged according to the current price list

  • all-day admission to Thermalpark DS (thermal swimming pool)

Senior wellness all inclusive stay can be used only on arrival on Sunday. The stay could be used by clients older than 50 years.


The price of the stay does not include accommodation tax, which is paid directly on the spot at the arrival at the height of € 2.00/person/night.

The pricelist is valid from 01.12.2022

FIREMNÉ pobyty



99,00 €


2 days with half board * 1 nights


  • accommodation in a comfortable double bed room (2/2)
  • 1x lunch served as buffet (2x appetizer, 2x soup, 4x main course, 2x dessert)
  • 1x dinner served as buffet (2x appetizer, 2x soup, 4x main course, 2x dessert)
  • 1x breakfast served as rich buffet (07:00 – 11:00)
  • unlimited access to pool world (large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest)
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months)  
  • unlimited access to fitness centre
  • parking at the hotel car-park
  • internet connection FREE WiFi
  • conference space with technical equipment (flipchart, data-projector)

  • experiential sauna during the whole stay (sauna ceremony with aromatic essences accompanied by sound and light effects)

    (You can find up-to-date schedule information is available at the hotel reception)


  • Non-alcoholic drinks: Coca-Cola, Fanta, Römerquelle
  • wines: Chardonnay, Green Veltliner, Cabernet Sauvignon
  • alcoholic drinks: Nicolaus vodka, Gin Kensington, Slivovitz Jelínek, peach vodka Koskenkorva, Karpatské brandy, Johnny Walker  

Minibar, drinks in Balneo bar and other services are charged according to the current pricelist.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed between 18:00 and 02:00.

The groups of more than 20 people can use congress package.

If you are interested, please contact us over the phone +421 903 777 345 or via e-mail at marketing@therma.sk.

DENNÉ pobyty

"DAY SPA classic"


34,90 €



DAY SPA classic includes
  • all-day long Access to hotel's wellness centre
  • dinner served as buffet

  • unlimited access to pool world (large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest)  
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months)
  • experential sauna  (sauna ceremony), with aromatic essences accompanied by sound and light effects. There is a time schedule available at the reception.

There is a grilled dinner at the summer terrace during summer period.
Infoline, reservations: +421 917 61 61 61



69,90 €



  • unlimited access to pool world (large relaxing pool with hot tub and counter-current, three calm sitting pools, Kneipp pool for legs, water-shot for a back)
  • unlimited access to NORDSEE SPA sauna & Jacuzzi (large Finnish sauna, infra sauna, steam sauna, Russian sauna, tepidarium with heated berths, 4 large interior Jacuzzi, rainforest)
  • unlimited access to GARDEN SPA (2 large Jacuzzi, exterior sauna, exterior pool during summer months)

Traditional Thai massage, 60 minutes
  • Traditional Thai massage is a dry massage and stretching according to thousands years old tradition. It takes place on a large mattress on the floor in comfortable clothing (kimono) provided by the hotel. The therapist works on your body with energetic paths and pressure points using the pressure of thumbs, palms, elbows, knees, feet and other parts of your body.  

  •  served as buffet, there is always to pick from 2x appetizers, 2x soup, 4x main course, 2x dessert

There is a grilled dinner at the summer terrace during summer period.
Infoline, reservations: +421 917 61 61 61



FIREMNÉ pobyty

DENNÉ pobyty

1 m2 water area
1 basic beds
1 conference areas
1 m2 park